

Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
~Romans 12:3~
Two weeks ago was the annual Campus Challenge held by AFC. I had a good time. The program, events, and workshops did not, however, contribute to most of my memorable experience. It was the simplest things that hit the mark: small sharings and reflection. Definitely an humbling experience...
I have always been known for giving 150% of my time to KCCF. Every single day of my life at Queen's was pretty much devoted to serving in KCCF. "Faith without deeds is dead", as I would always tell my fellow brothers and sisters. Never was I once believed that I should slow down and stay still. I thought I was doing the right thing and I was giving my best to bring God's Kingdom closer. It was during the past two years of serving that I became obsessed with the sucess from each ministry and the support received from my brothers and sisters. Proving to everyone that I can be involved in ministries just like everyone else became my goal of serving.
I have finally realized what my flaws have been for the past few years. Many actions that I took not only made myself more bitter and negative but also hurt many of my fellow brothers and sisters. I felt shattered and empty. Broken. However, being broken is one thing. Letting Christ to raise me up from all these broken pieces of me is a complete different matter. I have been struggling with self defeat from day to day basis. I haven't been able to truely look past my inadequacies and strive forward as a renewed person. This kind of negativity led to unrest in my soul. That completely contradicts the meaning of believing in the power of cross, the message of Jesus Christ, and the promise of eternal life. As a result, peace and joy in Christ seem out of reach.
This is definitely a challenge to my perseverence in my Holy living. Please pray for me.


I saw myself on TV...

As the second season of Grey's Anatomy came to an end last night, I suddenly realize for the whole time I was watching myself in that show. In the midst of all the drama, I have found my alter ego in that show... I am George O'Malley.

Here are the similarities:

- I tend to be nervous around my authorities.
- Though I don't live with girls, I hang out with them a lot.
- I get nervous and shy around girls whom I have crush on.
- Many other guys see me as a wussy. haha
- I am not very confident about my work, even though I know my stuff.
- I suck at saying "I love you".
- Women like Dr. Bailey and Christina can control my life.
- I used to be chubby.

I am George. Hurray.


Unplugged Addiction

I am officially addicted to unplugged games. Just knowing that there's an opportunity to play a board game can give me adrenaline rush. Today was supposed to be my school work day. Instead, I played 2 games of settlers and 2 games of Puerto Rico and each game lasted at least 2 good hours.

It was Benissa who got me hooked on games in the beginning. As smart as I may look, I am never good at strategy games. Outsmart, outwit, and outlast other players was something I do. However, as long as I am having fun, I don't mind losing (I didn't win today, as I was helplessly outwitted by edmond everytime).

Here is the list of my games:

Bang! Card Games and Bang! Dodge City Expansion - $30

The Settlers of Catan - $45

Tigris & Euphrates - $75

Ticket to Ride - $65

Puerto Rico - $60

Carcassonne and Carcassonne Expansion: Inns and Cathedrals - $60

A Month worth of Apartment Rent = Endless Fun - Priceless

Come visit me so we can play!!!


A 2-hour Haircut


I was trying to smile in every picture but there were hair in my shorts and they itched really bad.

At least the haircut's free : )


For the love of the game

As a big fan of tennis, I have always paid close attention to professional tennis players. How good they are. What raquets they use. What country they represent. What they wear.

What they wear? Yes, what they wear. Not every tennis player can be Anna Kournikova who always look glamorous on and off court. (She's barely on the court now.) But definitely, there are somethings you just can't wear.

Introducing Dominik Hrbaty, the #1 male tennis player from Slovakia. He believes that he can pull off wearing a pick shirt.

Looks all right on him. However, he also believes that holes on shirts can be a good ventilation for the body on a hot summer day in Australia.

There's nothing more disturbing than a male tennis player wearing a pink shirt with butterfly holes on the back. For the love of the game, please fill in the holes, Mr Hrbaty.


Gavo's Back

Today I have felt the urge of blogging, so... I'm gonna blog more now! From now on, there'll be a new post every other day, hopefully...

So today I was bored to my mind (even though I have a big test on cranial anatomy tomorrow), so I was scrolling through my cell phone and found a lot of "interesting" pictures...

Avocado Sushi

My 20th Birthday

This picture is gonna get me anything I want.

Sister eating ice cream


Pat and Dan must love their McD's

Um... um...

Mike is not very... photogenic.

Kevin is very photogenic.



It takes a man to apologize. It takes a bigger man to let go of his sins, shame, and guilt, and strive forward to becoming a true man of God.

At this moment, I am trying to be the bigger man.