
Say what?

As an xray technologist in training, I am responsible for telling my patients about the risk of each procedures and giving clear instructions. However, sometimes I wish I can just skip the chit chat...

- Asking a 52 year old woman "is there any chance you are pregnant at the moment?"
- Asking a 14 year old girl "are you sexually active?"
- Asking any woman about the starting date of her last period
- Patients telling me "Don't worry, I got my tubes tied."
- Or the 14 year old girl telling me "Don't worry, I'm on the pills."

I really don't want to know. Sometimes the things that I say haunt me back when I think about them later on.

- Telling my patients "we are all done here, you can put your pants back on."
- Or "Lie on your back, bend your knees up and spread out your legs please."

The more I think about it, the harder for me to sleep peacefully. Maybe I'm just young and inexperience. Man, that's my career.


I'm back.

Only 6 more months til I officially graduate from Queen's and leave Kingston. I can't wait. The past 3 and a half years in Kingston I managed to f*** up many things but now I'm just thankful that I have realize the damage I've done in other people's lives and in my own life. Hopefully I will be able to recover and move on. Enough of words from the bottom of my heart, I'm in the library right now and the girl sitting next to me has just reached the 4 hour mark of browsing through facebook. What's up with that? At least go for a lunch break.