
Yogurt kills my guts

Lately I have been craving for plain yogurt. Not because it's delicious but because it's high in protein content. Currently, i am trying to gain some muscle mass (believe it or not). That's why i am trying to finish a tub of plain yogurt in one week. In the beginning, i thought i wouldn't be too bad because i had fruitty yogurt before and it tasted alrite. However, i didn't know the taste of plain yogurt actually kills. The first bite tasted a bit sweet, but it goes all downhill afterwards when it tasted sour and bitter at the same time. Then all tastes went away and i was left standing in front of the fridge with a tub of yogurt in my hand, waiting to courageously try another spoon. I guess no pain, no gain...

The past Friday was the first night of Cell Group/Bible Study night at KCCF. As a cell group leader, I was amazed to see the enthusiasm everyone has and the desire to dig deeper into God's words. However, with a 3 to 91480384 guys to girls ratio, this year will be an interesting one. Our cell group name is called Fried Tofu. Not only because the people of our group are hot and crusty on the outside and soft and smooth inside, but also we want to use the theme vulnerability. We hope that Jesus will rip apart the wall we build around our hearts just like a ripped fried tofu. In the end, the soft and white center of a tofu symbolizes our weak but pure hearts. But first thing first, we must be vulnerable to not only God but to each other. I am getting excited. Other cell groups are also getting excited. Fried Tofu definitely tastes better than plain yogurt.


Anonymous said...

yogurt is living bacteria. it is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

hey hot stuff.

or should i say stinky stuff? well i suppose tofu can be hot and stinky at the same time. just wanted to drop in and say 'hullo' and to give you a pat on the back. you go get'em gavin - and dont let anyone tell you different. we're behind you - all the way! have an awesome time w/ cell group leading - YOU WERE MADE FOR IT. and yes we saw 'gavin' written all over that P&P play. GOOD ONE!

- katz

ps yogurt is great. but i like the one w/ fruit. will that affect my figure?

kev said...

is fruit yogurt like... not as good and filled with protein? Or is it just more expensive?

Anonymous said...

yo man i got myself a Xanga
come visit sometimes